How to get from Sants Station to Pensió Cerdanya

TAXI » Estimated total time: 10 minutes
Taxi service in Barcelona is the fastest way to get to Pensió Cerdanya. All the official taxis in Barcelona are black and yellow.
To get to our Pensió you will find a taxi rank outside the station. The journey to our Pensió will take about 10 minutes depending on traffic conditions. Please note that there is a supplement of € 2.50 to collect at the Sants Station. The cost of the trip is around € 15 (including the supplement). You will find all the rates published inside the cab of the taxi.

METRO » Estimated total time: 30 minutes
At Sants Station there are 2 Metro lines: line 3 (green color) and line 5 (blue color). A one-way ticket costs € 2.40.
A good idea is to buy a multi-trip card that will reduce the price of the trip since later you can also use it in the city to get around. You can buy the “T-casual” card for € 11.35, valid for 10 trips by metro, bus and train to the airport. Important: this card is one-person (cannot be shared). If you are traveling as a couple, you may find it better to buy the “T-family” card for € 10, valid for 8 trips and which is multi-person (it can be used by several people at the same time). With both cards, when you validate a trip, you have 75 minutes to make all the bus and metro combinations you need to reach your destination.
To get to our Pensió you can take line 3 (green) at the Sants Station and go to the “Paral • lel” station. Once there, take line 2 (purple) to the “Tetuan” station. From there to our pensió you have about 3 minutes walking. All the mentioned stations are accessible and have a lift. On the map below you can see where the “Tetuan” Station and our Pensió are located.

RENFE TRAIN » Estimated total time: 25 minutes
You can take the train at the Sants Station itself. A one-way ticket costs € 2.40. Alternatively you can also use the «T-casual» or «T-family» card and take advantage of the advantages that we have already explained in the previous section.
To get to our Pensió in the same Sants Station you can take the RENFE regional Train and get off at the “Arc de Triomf” Station. Once there you can walk (about 9 minutes) or you can take a taxi from outside the Station and you will arrive at our Pensió in 3 or 4 minutes. On the map below you can see where the “Arc de Triomf” Station and our Pensió are located.